
Understanding Recipes

If you haven’t already, we strongly encourage you to explore all the recipes found in this app. With what you've learned so far, you will be able to make a great number of them. If one of the recipes has a technique you’re unfamiliar with, you can look for it in this guide.

Ingredient Order

When you read recipes, keep in mind that we’ve written them in a deliberate way:

Ingredient Lists follow an order of spirits -> liqueurs -> juices -> syrups. If there is more than one ingredient in each of those categories, then the one with the highest volume will be listed first.

We list ingredients this way because it will be easier for you to determine what’s in the drink (and if you can / want to make it).

Note that if you follow the ingredient list in reverse order you’ll follow the practice of using ingredients from cheapest to most expensive (mostly). You’ll also use syrup first, rinsing the jigger with everything that comes next.

There is one exception: Cocktails that call for a specific order in which to mix the drink. The Mojito, for example, required you to muddle certain ingredients before adding the rest. For these types of recipes, we list ingredients in the order you'll be using them.

After the main ingredients, we list those that will be used to top the drink off (like club soda or Champagne), to float on top, to rinse the glass with, etc.

If the recipe calls for a garnish, it will be listed after the ingredients.

Units of Measurement

Ingredients are listed in fluid ounces or milliliters. Sometimes you’ll see the term “scant”, “short”, or “fat”. These terms are used to represent a less rounded amount: For instance, a “scant half ounce” would indicate slightly less than half an ounce (closer to ⅜). These terms are used in lieu of the exact amount to make it easier to remember the recipe.

When reading recipes from other sources, particularly old sources, you’ll notice that sometimes measurements are listed as being a “wine glass” or in “parts”.

No one would fault you for being confused here, after all, a wine glass can be of any shape and size.

Be cognizant of the fact that cocktails function in terms of ratios: If you maintain the proportions using say, ounces instead of “wine glasses”, you’ll end up with the same cocktail, albeit with a different volume.

Other information in our App's Recipes

More often than not, recipes will serve as a reference, so the instructions will be as economically worded as possible. The Hints section in each recipe page will give you more insight on what to look out for when making the cocktail. In turn, the Trivia section is meant to give you some interesting bits about the drink which you can share with your guests.

The Related Cocktails section will give you alternate versions or “riffs” on the recipe. Some riffs became so popular that we’ve researched their own hints and trivia.

Lastly, each recipe will have a list of cocktails that we suggest you make if you like the one you’re currently in. The Suggested Cocktails will share similar flavors or styles, and may take you into entirely different categories of drinks.

Cocktailarium is meant to be a guide, a reference, and a place to write down your ideas. We want you to make the most out of this craft and of your home bar. Take advantage of all the features in this app: Like recipes, add your own notes, make lists, and more. If you’re a Premium Member, all the data you saved will be synced across all of your devices!