Piña Verde

Piña Verde


  • 45ml Green Chartreuse
  • 45ml pineapple juice
  • 15ml lime juice
  • 22.5ml cream of coconut
No. of Servings:


Mint sprig


  1. Add all ingredients into a shaker.

  2. Whip shake.

  3. Strain into a highball glass with crushed ice.

  4. Garnish with a mint sprig.

  5. Serve with a straw.


  1. A whip shake refers to shaking with a single big cube of ice, or with a small amount of crushed or pebble ice. The technique looks to bring aeration while limiting the dilution as much as possible.

  2. Green Chartreuse has a very particular flavor, so we’d be hard pressed to offer a substitution for it. While we haven’t tried it ourselves, Truffles on the Rocks has a video on a DIY version: Homemade Exotic Chartreuse Recipe - DIY Green herbal liqueur

  3. The use of a mint sprig here further pushes the herbaceous nature of this drink, make sure you add a proper mint bouquet and that you express the oils by slapping it prior to adding it as a garnish. 

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  1. Created by Erick Castro around 2014 for his bar Polite Provisions in San Diego, California, USA. He created it after having added a float of Green Chartreuse to Piña Coladas for years prior. 

  2. The drink was dubbed “Greenya Colada” by the Polite Provisions staff.